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How we are doing with Staffordshire Smart Alerts so far & Community updates

Good evening everyone,


I hope everyone is having a good week. I just wanted to e-mail with an update with how we are doing in Trentham & Hanford with Staffordshire Smart Alerts so far. I really happy to report that at the time of sending this e-mail, we have over 730 residents now receiving these reports. Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up - please if you could continue to help to spread the word about this service. From the many conversations I've had with residents, the feedback has been fantastic - and were only just getting started!


Police Street Surgery updates - 


What is a Police Street Surgery?  


This is where I will be present at a randomly selected street and all are welcome to come and speak to me. Please find below a list of the Street Surgeries that have been completed so far. My aim is to complete one in every street in Trentham & Hanford. If you missed the one for your street, please let me know and I will either re-do the surgery who complete a home visit a time that best suits you. 


Residents are welcome to request a surgery in their street at any time - To do this, please reply to any message. 


*Eastwick Cr

*Hanford Park

*Jubilee Road

*Meadow Ln

*Florence Rd

*Balmoral Cl


*Stuart Ave

*Garfield Cr

*Padstow Way

*Ivy Gr

*Oakshaw Gr

*Queen Mary Rd

*Allerton Rd

*Trentham Gardens Cl

*Westminster Pl

*St James Pl

*Camelot Cl

*Windrush Cl


The next Police Street Surgery is TONIGHT, Diarmid Rd 18-30 - 18:45



There will be another Street Surgery tomorrow (05/02/2025) at Paddock Rise 18:30 - 18:45 


‘You Say, We Go' is where residents can request increased patrols of any location. As a local officer for the area, I believe it is essential that residents should have their voice heard with regards to what local officers focus on and where they patrol. One recent location requested was Hanford Park, particularly over half-term. Please reply to any message sent out - I'll be on patrol this evening so please let me know if are any locations that you want me to focus on. 


School parking update. 


Recently concerns were raised regarding vehicles parking on the junction of Boma Rd/Jubilee Rd at school collection times. When parking for collecting or dropping off children for school, please refrain from parking on or too close to junctions. This can cause a dangerous obstruction for children and their families crossing roads. I'll continue to raise awareness regarding this issue. 


Today I delivered sign up letters and spoke to many residents at Huron Gr, Ontario Close, Imandra Close & Goodwood Place. A big welcome to everyone who has recently signed up. 



I'm about to head out on patrol and I hope to see you all soon!


Have a great rest of the evening,




(PCSO 23038 Woodward)  





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Message Sent By
Scott Woodward
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Stoke South)

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