The Police
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Anti Social Behaviour Accrington Town Centre

Good evening Resident,

This is a quick message regarding parents to know where their children are, there has been an increase of anti social behaviour within Accrington Town Centre. Some of these youths will be local and parents may not be aware it's their child, if you could please ensure where your children are to ensure they are not part of this group and if they are please advise them to stop causing issues in Town Centre.

If any of your children need pointing in the right direction on what activities/sports clubs are on during the week as I know there is limited things to do in Town Centre please reply back to this message or directly email me on 7567@lancashire.police.uk.

-If anyone has any issues/concerns regarding this please contact me.

Thankyou for your continued support 😊

With regards,

PCSO 7567 Heal

Hyndburn Neighbourhood Team

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Message Sent By
Billie-Jo Heal
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Accrington Town Centre)

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