The Police
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Crime Figures January

Dear Resident


Please find listed below the crime figures for the Whalley area for the month of December.


3 x Assaults - 1 x connected to NTE (night time economy) and 1 x parties known to each other.

1 x Criminal damage - Damage caused to a residential address by party unknown.

2 X ASB - Both incidents connected to NTE.

5 x Road related offence - 2 x Drink drivers (although one was just elderly and confused) 3 x Vehicle obstruction (FPN issued).

1 x Public order - Dispute in a restaurant resolved amicably by Police.

1 x Theft - Handbag taken from restaurant.

2 x Theft of or from motor vehicle - 1 x theft of registration plate and 1 x theft of vehicle from industrial estate.


Take care

PCSO Katie Ferguson 

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Message Sent By
Katie Ferguson
(Police, PCSO, Ribble Valley NPT)

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