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Dear Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator,

Did you see the recent Cheshire Alert message from your Crime Prevention Officer?

We are trying to provide people with information to help protect themselves from becoming a victim of vehicle crime, please see the summary below: 

  • Always lock your vehicle.
  • Close windows and sunroof to prevent ‘fishing’.
  • Use tamper proof screws on number plates.
  • Use locking wheel nuts on alloy wheels.
  • Secure items on the outside of your vehicle such as roof boxes. 
  • Do not leave valuables in the vehicle.
  • Remove sat nav’s if possible, also removing the holder and signs of one by cleaning the cup rings. 
  • Work vehicles should remove tools and property mark any tools that are in the van for use during working hours. 
  • Park in well lit, busy areas. 
  • Do not leave documents in the car. 
  • Use Park Mark car parks where possible, visit Park Mark for further information and a list of car parks in the required area. 
  • If you invest in additional security products please visit www.thatcham.org or www.soldsecure.com for police approved products. Don’t forget to inform your insurance company as this may reduce your premium!

    Can you please share this information with your local Neighbourhood Watch members, family and friends. 

    Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to keeping your community safe.

    Kind regards, 

    Crime Prevention Team

    It is important to us that we know about the issues that cause you concern. We have set up a survey where you can tell us about the things you would like us to focus on in your area.

    Resident's voice | Cheshire Constabulary

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    Message Sent By
    McCue McCue
    (Cheshire Police, PCSO Coach, Runcorn, Warrington, and Widnes)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials