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Weekly update from the South Yardley Neighbourhood policing team.

What’s been happening   

  • Vehicle Crime: As part of Vehicle crime and other associated crime we was able to conduct a joint operation with DVLA, Parking enforcement, Trading standards, Bordesley Green Neighbourhood and other partner agencies to help address the concerns on Coventry road. Numerous vehicle were seized for no tax and being stolen, including one that was showing in trade but the traders plate had expired. There were also many vehicles that were ticketed for their parking, this was either due to how they were parked or staying over their allotted time. As a result more residents were able to park their vehicles correctly and customers to the stores were also able to find spaces. Local counsellors came down and engaged with the community. 
  • Working in partnership with businesses: Business watch meetings took place in the last 2 weeks. They were able to raise their concerns around their issues to their business and externally. Actions were taken away are currently being conducted ready to report back for the next meeting. These meetings are yet to be arranged. Offender 2 Rehab attended with one of their clients who was able to give some background to their history which proved to be a success and we aim to get them involved in more work we do. The offender 2 Rehab scheme is aimed at those that are shoplifting to fund their addiction. This is were an individual goes into rehab to help them with the support of officers and help them get back into the community. 
  • Street Watch: We still want to get more people involved in our Street Watch scheme. Is this something your interested in? Please let us know and contact us on the below details 
  • Litter Picking: We will be announcing new dates for the coming months for this. So if you want to get involved be on the listen out on X or on here. All you will need is yourself, but if you have any equipment please feel free to bring this along too. 
  • Brew with the crew – This has been organised for Friday 17th February 25 between 10-12 am some of the team will be at South Yardley Library to hear your concerns and issues so these can be addressed. You are all welcome to attend. 
  • South Yardley Website: We are now updating this every month with our priorities and actions we have taken. Keep your eyes peeled. Here is the link: https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/area/your-area/west-midlands/birmingham/south-yardley/about-us/our-priorities 
  • Did you know you can also contact us via our email: southyardley@westmidlands.police.uk please only use this email in non-emergency cases, this can be reporting issues/concerns you have or any intelligence you wish to inform us of. Otherwise please utilise our 101 non-emergency line and 999 in emergencies. 

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    Message Sent By
    Peige Smith
    (West Midlands Police, Police Constable, South Yardley Neighbourhood Team - BEHC)

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