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Off Road Bikes - Flint

Good evening, 


North Wales Police have received an increase in reports regarding Off Road Motorbikes being driven in the area of Flint. 


We have received information that this is occurring in the vicinity of Flint Castle, Prince Of Wales Avenue and Coed Onn Road. 


Police patrols will continue in these areas in order to tackle this issue and we have already seized a number of bikes in recent days. 


If you have any supporting information that can assist us please let us know. This can be locations, names of people riding the bikes or where the bikes are being stored. 


If you are a parent of a child who owns such a bike, without the proper authority, license or insurance please advice them not to ride them on a road or public place. If they do so, they are likely to have their bikes seized with court proceedings then following. 


Thank you for your continued support, 


PC Davies. 





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Message Sent By
PC 3457 Phil Davies
(North Wales Police, NPT Constable, North Flintshire)

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