Hello Resident,
Please see our update for recent reports in Burbage.
Reported Crime and Appeals
There have been a few reports of theft from vehicles over recent days (4th and 5th). One from Jury’s Inn hotel and 3 incidents from Sketchley Grange Hotel where a Land Rover Defender spare tyre and cover was taken from 2 vehicles, along with a theft of tools from a van. Ongoing investigation but please be mindful of this if you have these types of vehicles.
Over recent days we have spent considerable time dealing with youth related safeguarding work in relation to recent incidents and information we have identified. This type of work is mainly unseen but hopefully makes a difference to youths and families going forward. Work includes communication with partner agencies such as social care and HBBC, visiting local schools and speaking to parents.
There were a couple of reports of fights near Rugby Road Park and Brookside Chip shop between 20:45 and 21:00 on the 7th of February. Officers attended and no offences were disclosed (at the time of writing this report). It appears those involved were mainly teenage females. If you have any information regarding these reports as to who was involved, please get in touch. LEP-070225-0598
Report of suspicious vehicle on The Fairway at around 14:00 on the 7th. The male in the van was walking up and down driveways. We have completed checks following an area search. Please do not agree to work being completed by cold callers and never hand over cash. By handing over cash at the door, the “cold callers” will be aware you keep cash at your property and may make you a target for future incidents. Please keep a look out for any elderly or vulnerable neighbours as they may be targeted by these people.
Report from Greenmoor Road at 21:05 on the 07/02/2025 of suspects checking out a vehicle, this is the second time this vehicle may have been targeted. Police attended immediately and completed area searches. It is suspected they were on foot and headed towards Rugby Road. LEP-070225-0603 This was followed by a report on Herald Way (Broadsword Road Junction) at 21:15 where a brick has been thrown at a window. Access was gained to the garage and damage to the back passenger door of the Range Rover. LEP-070225-0608
Thankfully no vehicles were taken and calls to Police were made quickly. Multiple officers attended to complete area searches and check CCTV. Work is ongoing to identify vehicles entering and leaving the area around this time. Stop searches were also completed in the area.
As always, please send on any CCTV or information you may have and please consider steering locks, window alarms and driveway bollards if you have high value/performance vehicles.
Patrols, Police Activity and local engagement
Thank you to those who completed the Road Safety Survey we recently sent out via parent mail, Neighbourhood link and Facebook. In total, we received 322 responses over several days, which for a local survey is fantastic.
These results help us to pinpoint areas and issues that you have raised, so we will be directing our resources based on your responses around the issues you have raised.
It was clear that the main subjects of concern, are overall a problem Monday to Friday, and Morning and afternoon (school times).
We will be analysing the results and locations, completing targeted work in relation to concerns such as drink/drug drive. If you have any specific information around drink/drug driving such as registrations, names, locations, please pop me an email darren.stretton@leics.police.uk or it can be reported anonymously here Giving information anonymously | Crimestoppers
Whilst we have made considerable efforts over the years to implement permanent change (pavement bollards to stop pavement parking and making immediate school areas pedestrian only at school times), these efforts have ultimately failed at this time.
Despite the advice repeatably given to motorists, patrols, home visits, in school assemblies and continued pleas to parents, we continue to see repeated reports of poor behaviour in school areas. We have planned in some road safety activities in the area, and we are waiting on a few updates from some of the routes we have been looking into.
As we have stated before, Road safety is the responsibility of multiple agencies such as Leicestershire County Council, support needed from local schools and common sense needed from motorists in the area. As your local beat team, we have invested a lot of time and effort over many years to support with this issue and will be using all powers we have available to deal with dangerous driving/parking in the area.
We will keep you updated. Thank you for your feedback and support with this.
Crime prevention and issues to be aware of
With several recent incidents around youths/bicycles vs motor vehicles (thankfully no serious injuries), please ensure hi-vis clothing is worn, bike lights and helmets used/worn. Any information reports of collision can be reported here Report a road traffic incident | Leicestershire Police Please try to provide vehicle registration plates, witness details and secure any Dash Cam footage that may be available.
We will be at the Co-op on Boyslade Road on Wednesday 12th February from around 14:00-15:30 if you would like a chat or a look at some of the crime prevention items.
Thank you and take care.
The Burbage Beat Team
It is really useful is you RATE, SHARE or PRINT this message. You can also REPLY directly to me if you wish to communicate with me.
Details in these messages are based on information we have at the time of writing. Details can change as investigations progress. We raise awareness around local concerns which may be of community concern where appropriate, in order to reduce crime, raise awareness and support investigations.
We need your help to keep our phone lines clear for emergencies. If your call isn't an emergency, see if the information or service you need is on our website www.leics.police.uk. before you call 101. You can use our website to report crimes or incidents at a time convenient for you. We urge you to call 999 in an emergency - if you or someone else are in immediate danger, or a crime is in progress.
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