The Police
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Theft of motorcycle - Saturn Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 5PD.

Dear Resident


Between the 06th and the 07th of February 2025, between 21:00hrs and 07:30hrs, offender(s) have committed theft of a motorcycle in Saturn Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 5PD.

The details of the motorcycle are as per below:

Plate number BG21VHR.

If you or your neighbours have any information relating to this crime, or if you have captured any relevant footage on your CCTV or doorbell camera, please contact the police non-emergency number 101, quoting crime number 41/12411/25. 

Alternatively, you can give information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity in the area.


Tips to prevent Motorcycle crime:

  • Use a combination of a fitted alarm and immobiliser.
  • Secure your bike to a ground post with a good quality chain and closed shackle padlock.
  • Consider fitting a ‘Datatag’ which will uniquely identify your motorcycle.
  • If you cannot park in a garage, use a cover to make the Motorcycle less visible. 
  • Don't leave keys in obvious places such as key racks or near open windows/letterboxes to prevent thieves fishing them out.

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    For more detailed vehicle crime prevention information, visit the “Protect Your Property” section of our website: Preventing car and vehicle theft | Crime Prevention | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)

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    Message Sent By
    Andrea Salzano
    (Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, Dacorum - Kings Langley and Hemel Hempstead South)

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