Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Statement on Poole Bus Station


Last week I met with the MP for Poole, Neil Duncan-Jordan following his request to discuss Poole Bus Station.

As I have previously stated, I am always happy to talk about how we can all work to make our communities safer, and I welcome the opportunity to discuss issues of genuine concern. As elected representatives it is imperative we share the concerns of the public in order to resolve and respond wherever possible.

Over the years, Poole Bus Station has been a focus for Dorset Police and our partners, who have worked collaboratively and intensively to tackle issues including anti-social behaviour. I am pleased to say that in the past three years the number of incidents and the severity of these incidents have reduced significantly. In 2022, the total number of reported incidents at the bus station were 214. Last year, this dropped to 87, with efforts focused on reducing this even further.

The local Neighbourhood Policing Team have been effective in tackling issues which arise, in partnership with the local authority and other agencies, and this joint work is having a positive impact.

From the challenges faced at this location in 2019 through to the present day, significant improvements have taken place including physical changes to the site and extra CCTV – both part of a raft of recommendations implemented following advice from Dorset Police’s Crime Prevention Design Advisor.

I want to reassure the public that work will continue to ensure this location is safe for everyone. As Dorset’s Police and Crime Commissioner, I am determined to ensure that communities across our county are not only safe – but that residents feel safe.

I take nothing away from the concerns of the public when serious incidents occur however, and I know feeling safe is much more than just seeing a reduction in crime statistics. While these numbers are important to sort the facts from the perception, there is always more we can do to demonstrate the difference we are making – and we will.

Tackling anti-social behaviour is a key priority in my Police and Crime Plan, with levels of ASB in Dorset currently at their lowest since 2007/08. That’s why I want to urge people to report any issues they have seen or have experienced directly to Dorset Police on 101, or via the Dorset Police website.

The information you provide to us can be vital and bring about further positive action and solutions. I want to see these levels continue to drop, but we need your intelligence to do that. Together, we can continue to make a difference and show those intent on causing disruption and fear that we will not tolerate their behaviour.

David Sidwick

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner

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