The Police
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Good afternoon, 


Following two recent burglaries which have targeted jewellery, I would like to share the following crime prevention advice- 


Burglars will use a variety of ways to avoid being noticed.

They don’t want to be seen or heard by a neighbour or passer-by because they will feel exposed and identifiable.

Distraction burglars will pretend to be someone they are not, so it’s important you are aware of the common methods they will use to get you to let them into your property.

Here’s some useful advice, firstly on helping to keep burglars out by giving them no hiding place and, secondly, on how to prevent a distraction burglary.


You’d think that it would be best to make a property less visible from the street, and to keep it hidden from prying eyes behind overgrown bushes, trees, high fences or walls. In reality, all that this serves to do is make it easier for a burglar to get close to a home unnoticed, and provide somewhere to hide while carrying out a burglary or theft from the property.


Lower fences at the front around one-metre high are preferable to high fences as they allow for a clear view over the top and don’t provide cover for anyone wishing to hide.


-At the rear and sides, taller fencing is recommended to prevent easy access.


-Trellis, thorny plants, or a suitable anti-climb topping such as plastic spikes make it difficult for anyone climbing over a fence or gate.


-Planting prickly or barbed shrubbery along boundaries and fence lines acts as an effective natural barrier.


-Gravel driveways and paths will make sure you hear anyone approach.


-Keep keys, cash, and expensive items out of view.


-Use a registered pawnbroker that offer storage service or a safety deposit box.


-Use timer switches on lights and radios to make your home look occupied.


-Try to restrict access to the rear of properties and keep gates locked and boundaries secure.


-Consider installing security lights, doorbell cameras and CCTV.


-Lock away tools and garden items that could be stolen or used to break into your home.


-Photograph and security mark pieces of jewellery – laser engraving your jewellery with your name and the serial number acts as a hallmark unique to you. Many jewellers and the Assay Office offer this service. Alternatively consider forensically marking your jewellery.


Kind regards


Gary Morris

Community Liaison Officer

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Gary Morris
(Kent Police, Community Liaison Officer, Community Liaison Officer)

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