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Weekly update from the South Yardley Neighbourhood policing team.

Dear Members, 

Here’s a quick round up from the South Yardley neighbourhood policing team. 

What’s been happening   

  • Operations: Over the coming weeks there are operations taking place in the area, so you will see more officers patrolling and interacting with the public and preventing any criminal matters. We are aiming to target those that are causing Anti-Social behaviour, Vehicle Crime, Robbery/ Violence offences and Shop thefts. We have also requested for other partner agencies to conduct some patrols in the area focusing on some roads that have raised consistent concerns. Some of the results so far we have recovered a bladed article, drugs and vehicles have been seized for driving in accordance with the licence, stolen and no tax. We have also asked DVLA to conduct some patrols and they have found 47 vehicles being un-taxed. These vehicles will be issued with a penalty charge in the post by DVLA. You will also see parking enforcement in the coming months around the area. 
  • Brew with the Crew: This took place at the South Yardley Library and residents were provided with panic alarms, window alarms, literature for crime prevention. There was a good turn out of residents but it would be great to get more involved. 
    The next Brew with the Crew dates and location is to be confirmed. 
  • Street Watch: Are you wanting to support your community? Why not join up to our street watch programme. If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact the below details and we will get you signed up.
  • Litter Picking: New Community Litter Picking taking place on 26th February at 14:00 on Deakins Road junction of Kathleen Road, South Yardley (Poster Attached). All you need to bring is yourself. However, if you have any litter picking equipment please feel free to bring this along. 

  • South Yardley Website: We are now updating this every month with our priorities and actions we have taken. Keep your eyes peeled. Here is the link: https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/area/your-area/west-midlands/birmingham/south-yardley/about-us/our-priorities 
  • Did you know you can also contact us via our email: southyardley@westmidlands.police.uk please only use this email in non-emergency cases, this can be reporting issues/concerns you have or any intelligence you wish to inform us of. Otherwise, please utilise our 101 non-emergency line and 999 in emergencies. 

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    Message Sent By
    Peige Smith
    (West Midlands Police, Police Constable, South Yardley Neighbourhood Team - BEHC)

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