The Police
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Thank you

Good afternoon,


Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has signed up for Bee In The Loop and for your continued support during the last year


I hope you are finding this service useful in keeping you updated with what's happening in the Halliwell area.


In April 2024 we only had 50 people registered for this service in Halliwell.


I'm pleased to say that this figure has steadily grown and that we now have over 500 people registered in the Halliwell area.


To give you an overview of the people that have registered for this service these include local residents, community groups, places of worship, schools and businesses.


PC 18542 Mulligan and myself PCSO 62762 Fox are your neighbourhood policing team that cover the Halliwell area and we will always try our best to make ourselves available if you have any concerns or issues that you would like to discuss. 


You can contact us via email on 18542@gmp.police.uk or 62762@gmp.police.uk


I would kindly ask that you could make your family members and work colleagues aware of Bee In The Loop and ask them to register for this service wherever they live or work in Greater Manchester.


Please pass on the below link for anyone who wishes to register for Bee In The Loop.


Many thanks.


Home Page - Bee in the Loop


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Message Sent By
Mervyn Fox
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Bolton North Neighbourhood Team - Crompton West)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials