S P R I N G 2 0 2 5 CHAIRMAN’S BLOG Your local association committee is continuing to work to put schemes in contact with one another to aid working together and being more effective. This will be combined and reinforced by local meetings where we hope to have a PCSO in attendance. The names and email addresses of Forest PCSOs and their designated area are set out below. If you have a local query, worry or suspicion, drop your PCSO a line for targeted, local assistance. Remember, if the Police don’t know about a problem, they can’t help you! And they are not clairvoyants! Keep safe. Jill Croxall, Huntley, West Glos NHW Chairman
CAR AND CAR KEY THEFTS have featured a lot this winter. Here are a few ways to avoiding being a victim:
SPRING PROPERTY SAFETY The lighter evenings can mean we are out more in the early evening, walking the dog or doing some spring gardening. Thieves will watch our movements, so be on the lookout for non-residents wandering around the neighbourhood, perhaps checking out which sheds contain new mowers or other expensive equipment. Share your suspicions with neighbours, too. That’s what Neighbourhood Watch is all about. Hopefully, you’ll find the new face is just getting to know their new neighbourhood. But it is a popular season for shed break-ins, so make sure you lock yours and, if it’s not too inconvenient, your garden access gates too. NOTE: Padlocks are also available on the attached security items order list.
STREETLINK www.thestreetlink.org.uk This is a name we should all become familiar with. StreetLink is a free referral service organisation that links rough sleepers with services in their area. Homeless people can self-refer, or anyone concerned about seeing someone bedding down in a doorway, vehicle or other inappropriate sleeping area, can use the app to tell StreetLink about them. You will be asked to state the location, then pinpoint it on the StreetLink map, and describe the sleeping individual so they can be easily identified by the support worker. We all hate seeing people sleeping in doorways or on benches, and StreetLink gives us a potential means of helping out.
OUR PCSO TEAM MEMBERS Cinderford:- Alison Cunningham alison.cunningham@gloucestershire.police.uk Nick Jones nicholas.jones@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk Tracy Martin tracy.martin@gloucestershire.police.pnn.uk Amber Morgan amber.morgan@gloucestershire.police.uk Taryn-Lee Yiollaris taryn-lee.yiollaris@gloucestershire.police.uk Newent:- Reuben Croft reuben.croft3@gloucestershire.police.uk Ria Chappell ria.chappell@gloucestershire.police.uk Coleford:- Dawn Teague dawn.teague@gloucestershire.police.pnn.uk Thomas Oliver thomas.oliver2@gloucestershire.police.pnn.uk Lydney:- Amanda Ravenhill amanda.ravenhill@gloucestershire.police.uk Ellis Gazzard ellis.gazzard@gloucestershire.police.pnn.uk Chloe Ambury chloe.ambury@gloucestershire.police.uk Sedbury & Tutshill Abigail Coe abigail.coe@gloucestershire.police.uk
WEST GLOUCESTERSHIRE NHW ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE: Chairman: Jill Croxall, Huntley (01452 831611) Newsletter editor: Ginny James, Newent (01531 821904) Treasurer: Helen Powell, St Briavels (01594 530642) Secretary: Syd Wheeler, St Briavels (01594 530644) Minutes Secretary: Val Levack, Coleford (07403 727725) Comments or suggestions relating to the newsletter can be sent to vljames1909@gmail.com | ||||
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