The Police
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Safer Students event today at Aston University!

Good afternoon Resident, 

We are excited to invite you to a special event at Aston University, where you will have the opportunity to meet and speak with your local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs). This is a great chance to learn more about the vital work PCSOs do in the community and to engage in open conversations about safety, crime prevention, and how we can work together to create a stronger, safer environment for everyone 
Location: Aston University

Ends at 16:00 


For students to ask PCSOs any questions about University, accomdation & the reporting of crime. For students of Aston University!


Whether you have questions about your neighborhood, want to learn more about community policing, or simply wish to meet the PCSOs who serve your area, this is a welcoming space to engage with us directly.

We look forward to meeting you and hearing your thoughts on how we can continue improving community safety and support.

See you there!

Best regards,


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Message Sent By
Jacob Johnston
(Police, PCSO, Team 6/Taurus)

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