The Police
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Where is your closest amnesty knife bin?

Colburn and Richmond Knife amnesty bins!


Colburn Truck Stop, Colburn, DL9 4GA

Nuns Close Car Park, Richmond, DL10 4UQ


The knife drop bin initiative allows members of the public to safely and anonymously dispose of bladed articles.


Wrap the knife in either cardboard or newspaper

Secure with strong tape and ensure it is sealed to prevent injuries during disposal

Go directly to your nearest knife bin location, carefully place your knife in the hatch marked with arrows and shut once deposited 


Measures to combat the threat of knife crime are to be stepped up across North Yorkshire after calls from communities to help keep their streets safe. Knife crime is a national problem, and amnesties like this help to get dangerous weapons off the streets without putting members of the public in danger. Schemes such as this, along with strong proactive policing, help to achieve that. As a result, North Yorkshire has one of the lowest levels of knife crime in England. The bins are securely bolted into the ground and padlocked and only accessible to police. 


For any further information go to www.northyorkshire.police.uk/knifebins


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Message Sent By
Nicole Randall
(Police, PCSO, Richmondshire)

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