The Police
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Malvern Avenue - Sat 1st March 2025 - Suspicious Male

Good afternoon residents,

We have been made aware of a sus male on Malvern Ave at approx 11:56pm on the 1st March2025 entering the rear grounds of a property that is being renovated and making off due to the CCTV having a siren function which was activated when the male was spotted.

This has not been reported to GMP and we have only found out about this through information being passed 3rd hand and that CCTV footage has been posted on local Facebook groups.

Please note, although GMP Tameside have a Facebook page, we cannot see what is posted in local Facebook groups and our posting/viewing abilities are very limited due to the 3rd party software we use for auditing purposes.
Tagging GMP Tameside in Facebook posts is futile and should not be a replacement for reporting incidents or crimes via our official channels.

999 - Emergency Only, where there is a crime/incident on going or there immediate danger to live or property.
101 - Non Emergency, where a crime/incident has already happened.
Live Chat ( www.gmp.police.uk ) - Non Emergency, where a crime/incident has already happened.

The Ashton Hurst Neighbourhood Team cannot stress enough about residents reporting when crime occurs or even what may appear as suspicious circumstances.

If it wasn't for the CCTV Siren there would be a high probability that this would have turned into a Burglary or Attempt Burglary.

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Message Sent By
Ryan Chadwick
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Tameside North Neighbourhood Team - Ashton Hurst Ward)

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