Weekly Update from your local Radford NPT
Dear Members Here’s your weekly update from myself and the rest of the team.
What’s Been Happening . Burglaries Good News ----NONE!!! Keep doing what you have been to keep your homes safe 😊 You can mark all property with a UV marker making it easier for lost or stolen property to be returned should the worst happen. It is also a good idea to keep a record of where you marked the property and note down any serial numbers. You can register valuables at www.immobilise.com
. Vehicle Crime Two vehicles have been broken into in the past week on Foster Road and Telfer Road. Please don’t leave valuable items on display, this is temptation for the offenders. . In other News This week the team have seized two vehicles when checks have shown that the drivers have had no insurance. If you want to drive your car, please make sure it is road legal or else you will not have it for very long!! Officers also dealt with an elderly female who was experiencing anti-social behaviour from local youths. They had damaged her front door by kicking it. Officers identified the persons involved and dealt with the incident via a Community Resolution. This involved the two persons that caused the damage, paying for it to be repaired. The other two who were involved but didn’t cause the damage were issued with Community Protection Notice. This gives them conditions which they need to adhere to or else further action will be taken. If you have any issues like this, please let us know and we will deal with it appropriately. We have also had an incident of a vape containing cannabis being smoked. Unfortunately, this made the person very poorly. If you are offered anything like this or any illegal drugs, please say NO!! Different people react differently to everything, so don’t take the risk. Stay safe everyone. If you have any information about crime in your area you can let us know 100% anonymously by contacting CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 Get involved. | ||||
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