Hello Resident,
We hope you are well and enjoying this first bit of sunshine of the year. Here is an update for Burbage over the last week.
Reported Crime and Appeals
Report of a moped driving dangerously around the Higham way area on the 27th and 28th of February between 15:00-16:00. Youth related incident. We are currently dealing with the keeper, and these incidents should hopefully no longer be an issue. We are also trying to identify any other youths taking part in the dangerous driving, so if you are aware of anyone involved, please pop me their names darren.stretton@leics.police.uk
Report that the side of a van door was cut on the Chequers Inn car park sometime between 17:30 and 06:00 on the 3rd into the 4th of March. Thankfully the owner had removed tools. Please be aware of theft from vehicles, particularly tools/vans.
The force was called at 5.19pm on Thursday 27th of February to report a number of dogs loose in the area of Farm Road, Burbage. The initial report was that three dogs were in an area of open space off Farm Road and were attacking each other. A woman was also injured by one of the dogs. She sustained a minor injury to her wrist. No other injuries have been reported. The dogs were secured prior to police arrival and have been taken to kennels. One is being treated for its injuries. No arrests have been made, and our enquiries are continuing.
Patrols, Police Activity and local engagement
One male was stopped and detained under section 23 misuse of drugs on Tilton Road on the 26th at 15:00 following patrols by officers in the area. A stop search was also completed on Featherston Drive at around 14:15. Targeted patrols are being completed in the area to address concerns of drug use/dealing. A premises search was also completed. If you have any information that can help target our activity, feel free to drop me an email.
Vehicle seized on the 27th on Cardinal drive for no insurance/licence.
Crime prevention and issues to be aware of
A Tesla car key (card) has been found in Burbage, if you have lost one, please get in touch as soon as possible. Darren.stretton@leics.police.uk
With the Easter Holidays not far away, please think about your home security and consider any additional measures you can take if you are planning on going away. Ensure house alarms work, get a steering lock for your vehicle and consider window alarms, light times etc. Get in touch if you would like any support.
Thank you and take care.
The Burbage Beat Team
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Details in these messages are based on information we have at the time of writing. Details can change as investigations progress. We raise awareness around local concerns which may be of community concern where appropriate, in order to reduce crime, raise awareness and support investigations.
We need your help to keep our phone lines clear for emergencies. If your call isn't an emergency, see if the information or service you need is on our website www.leics.police.uk. before you call 101. You can use our website to report crimes or incidents at a time convenient for you. We urge you to call 999 in an emergency - if you or someone else are in immediate danger, or a crime is in progress.
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