The Police
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Community Road Watch - Church Road!

Good afternoon, all, 


Thornton-Cleveleys Neighbourhood Policing Team have been tasked via the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership today to conduct some Community Road Watch in the area, this being because there has been reports of cars driving at high speeds within the area. 


As a result of this myself and another colleague attended Church Road today and conducted some community road watch. During our time we checked a total of 32 vehicles in which 3 were caught speeding. The highest recorded speed during this session was 28 mph. These drivers will be contacted and dealt with accordingly. 


We will continue to keep an eye out in relation to this issue and will continue to conduct Community Road Watch in the area if necessary. 


If you are wanting to report any speeding concerns, I will attach a link below which will take you to the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership website and this will allow you to raise a concern. 


Link for Lancashire Road Safety Partnership - Click Here!


Stay Safe & Take Care!


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Message Sent By
Matty Brooke
(Police, PCSO, Thornton-Cleveleys - Wyre)

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