The Police
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Possession of cannabis on TWIGMOOR SIDE ROAD, MESSINGHAM



High visibility patrols this evening led us to TWIGMOOR SIDE ROAD, MESSINGHAM. 


A vehicle parked up, smelling strongly of cannabis with 2 occupants. The vehicle and both occupants were searched under Sec 23 mis-use of drugs act and a quantity of cannabis was located on both the driver side and passenger side of the vehicle. Funny enough there was also a snap bag containing cannabis discarded outside the vehicle beside the passenger side door. 


Both occupants will be reported for the offence. 


We will continue to patrol the ridge wards in the evenings and continue to take positive action against those in possession of controlled substances. 



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Message Sent By
Paul Topham
(Humberside Police, PC, Scunthorpe Rural)

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