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Crime Report Sutton in Ashfield for the six days to midnight Tuesday 4 March 2025

Officers from the Sutton Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding beat surgeries on the following dates.

Willets Court community centre, Limb Crescent, NG17 5EB. Friday 14 March 2025 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Please feel free to pop down and say hello. 

This is an opportunity to meet members of your local policing team and discuss any issues you may have regarding crime or antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood

Crimes reported over the past seven days.

Burglary Dwelling

At 10.40am on Thursday 27 February in Unwin Road, Sutton in Ashfield, while the home owner was in the back garden, a scruffy looking male with a local accent, age 30’ish wearing dark clothing and navy cap, entered the house through an unlocked front door and made an untidy search. On being confronted he said he entered the property to check as he had seen someone entering over the fence. When this was challenged he made off. It was later discovered that a purse with a Labrador on the front was missing.

Between 1.00pm and 3.00pm on Saturday 1 March in Warnadene Road, Sutton in Ashfield, a rear ground floor window of a property was forced open to gain entry and a Nintendo Switch was stolen.

Burglary Other

Nothing to report

Theft of motor vehicle

A t 5.15pm on Friday 28 February, security at Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield Road, Sutton in Ashfield, reported the theft of a white, with blue and red details, BMW motorbike. Two males arrived on a grey and black motorbike with no registration number. One dressed in a blue puffer jacket, black trousers and black helmet, dismounted and got on the BMW and drove it away. The second male was white, dressed in all black clothing and had a bright yellow helmet with black blobs on it and rode off on the bike they arrived on. They left the hospital via the West Road entrance.

Theft from motor vehicle

Nothing to report


Between 6.58pm and 7.04pm on Friday 28 February in Kirkby Folly Road, Sutton in Ashfield, a lady dropped her black quilted purse, with gold Valentino on, in the road outside her house. The purse containing two Driving Licences and bank cards was picked up by someone and later a bank card was used by a male in a local shop.

Criminal Damage

At 9.59pm on Monday 3 March in Little Lane, Huthwaite, Sutton in Ashfield, a brick was thrown, smashing a living room window.

At 4.25pm on Tuesday 4 March in Rosemont Close, Skegby, Sutton in Ashfield a report that the windscreens of two vehicles had been smashed and various tyres punctured.


Between 9.50pm and 10.06pm on Friday 28 February in Frederick Street, Sutton in Ashfield, a report of two motorbikes continually driving up and down the street, one was a 600cc bike, the second a 125cc bike. 

If you have any information relating to the above criminal activity e.g. did you or anyone you know witness one of the incidents? Do you know who the person(s) responsible are? Have you noticed any suspicious activity prior to any incident? 

Or do you have any CCTV footage that may be of help? 

If so, please contact the Ashfield District Neighbourhood Policing Team by e-mail at  ashfieldNPT@Notts.Police.uk  or you can contact the police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 

This message is sent on behalf of Insp. Christopher Boylin


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Message Sent By
John Duke
(NWN, MSA, Nottinghamshire, Ashfield)

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