The Police
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Brownhill Burglary

Good afternoon,


Over the weekend we received reports of a burglary on Brownhill Avenue, which our patrols attended and one arrest was made. Our investigation into this is ongoing, but in the meantime, here are some prevention tips -


• Keep your windows and doors closed and locked when the property is empty, or when you're going to bed

• Keep your keys away from letterboxes, windows and doors, and be mindful of keeping car keys out of sight and away from view

• Keep your valuable items out of sight on the ground floor, such as jewellery, laptops or tablets, or in your vehicles and make sure they are locked, even if you're only away from them for a few minutes

• Make sure your security contingencies are up to date, like repairing broken locks, securing sheds, and making sure if you have CCTV or doorbell cameras that they are charged up and/or connected properly

• If someone comes to your property, and you're not expecting them, you can ask to see their ID and call the company (from a number listed either online or in the phonebook) they say they are visiting from. Genuine callers will not mind, and will wait outside or in their vehicle until you have completed your checks. You can also always ask them to come back when someone else could be at home with you, or arrange an appointment through the company. Remember, if you're not sure, don't let them through the door. 


If you see anything suspicious, or you think you've had a bogus caller at your door, you can report this online or by calling 101. If you, or someone else is in danger, or you can see a crime in progress, please call 999.





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Message Sent By
Em Deluca
(Police, PCSO, Burnley)

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