Officers from the Hucknall Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding beat surgeries on the following dates. Hucknall Garden Centre & Keycraft Garden Buildings, Watnall Road, NG15 6EN. Thursday 06 March 2025 9:30am – 10:30am Belle's coffee house and kitchen, 61 Nabbs Lane, NG15 6NT. Saturday 08 March 2025 9:30am – 10:30am Belle's Coffee House and Kitchen, 61 Nabbs Lane, NG15 6NT. Monday 17 March 2025 9:30am – 10:30am Hucknall Library, South Street, Hucknall NG15 7BS. Tuesday18 March 2025 5.00pm – 6.00pm Hucknall Leisure Centre, Linby Road, Hucknall NG15 7TX. Wednesday19 March 2025 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Please feel free to pop down and say hello. This is an opportunity to meet members of your local policing team and discuss any issues you may have regarding crime or antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood
Burglary Dwelling Nothing to Report Burglary Other Nothing to Report Theft of motor vehicle Between 4.00pm on Wednesday 26 and 6.12pm on Thursday 27 February in Linby Avenue, Hucknall, a white Ford Tipper van with a cage on the back and a good set of ladders was stolen from the roadside. Theft from motor vehicle At sometime on Tuesday 25 February in Ogle Street, Hucknall, a wallet, passport, driving licence and bank cards were stolen from an unlocked blue/grey Mitsubishi car parked at the roadside. At 12.30am on Sunday 2 March in Minster Close, Hucknall, an unlocked car was entered and the door to a second locked car tried by two males. One, slim build, wearing a dark coat with the hood up, light grey joggers, and dark shoes. The second male was wearing a black medical mask, petrol blue coat and dark bottoms. Nothing was stolen. Theft Between 6.00pm on Monday 3 and 9.00am on Tuesday 4 March in Whyburn Court, Nottingham Road, Hucknall, a three to four foot tall nude female garden ornament was stolen from the rear of a property. Between sometime in the day on Sunday 2 and 12.34pm on Tuesday 4 March in Whyburn Court, Nottingham Road, Hucknall, flower boxes, a small statue and other small items were stolen from a garden. Robbery Nothing to Report Criminal Damage Between 6.00pm and 11.59pm on Sunday 2 March in Salterford Road, Hucknall, a double glazed kitchen window was smashed. ASB Around 8.20am on several days between Monday 24 and Friday 28 February in Bentinck Street, Hucknall, a report of youths in school uniform kicking and knocking at a front door as they run past. No damage caused. At 2.02pm on Saturday 1 March from Watnall Road, Hucknall, a report of three or four off road motorbikes on wasteland near the Aerodrome. At 5.00pm on Saturday 1 March at McDonald’s Restaurant, Ashgate Road, Hucknall, a group of nine or ten, mainly male, 14/16 year old, mostly wearing back clothing being abusive to staff and refusing to leave. Two were on bikes. At 7.37pm at least seven were back again refusing to leave. An empty bottle of alcohol was found in the toilets and there was a strong smell of cannabis from the group. At 4.08pm on Saturday 1 March on the Market Place car park, Hucknall, a mix of male and female 14/17 year old teenagers, all dressed in black, riding around on scooters with no thought for members of the public around them. There was also a suspicion that drug dealing was taking place. At 10.54 on Sunday 2 March in Dorey Way, Harrier Park, Hucknall, a dog walker reported that three trucks had pulled up and were unloading off road bikes. Three bikes were being ridden around at the time. A report at 12.29pm on Tuesday 4 March that in Washdyke Lane, Hucknall, a lady was having problems with some 11/12 year old school children thumping and kicking on her door every morning and evening. This has been going on for some months.
Or do you have any CCTV footage that may be of help? If so, please contact the Ashfield District Neighbourhood Policing Team by e-mail at ashfieldNPT@Notts.Police.uk or you can contact the police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. This message is sent on behalf of Insp. Christopher Boylin | ||||
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