Dear Resident I thought I should let you know about what’s been going on nationally and in Norfolk.
British Telecom Project The BT Project, educating vulnerable people about the digital switch, is in the final phase with the last local events being finalised. We had a lot of positive feedback from the public about the information given and the support of Neighbourhood Watch volunteers. We also received a great response from volunteers who helped deliver the project about the support they received and the value of their work. The lessons from the project will serve as a successful blueprint for how Neighbourhood Watch can mobilise within very local areas.
It is likely we will have an extension of the project with the energy provider E-on. Later this year the analogue signal that works with old electricity meters is being switched off. This affects all energy providers, and it is not known which properties have affected meters or what will happen when the old signal ceases. There is significant worry that users may immediately move to higher tariffs or that their supply may be cut off.
E-on are keen to collaborate with us to ensure electricity users (not just their customers) make sure their meters are OK or get a new meter. We will again run local sessions with volunteers and an E-on engineers, but the message is much simpler that with BT and is to check their meter with their supplier. We will keep you informed of the project as we move forward.
40th Anniversary of Neighbourhood Watch Week This year marks the 40th anniversary of Neighbourhood Watch Week, as usual the week will also be part of the Month of Community with 20 odd other charities. We are planning the week but part of it will be a refresh and drive on the Community Safety Charter. We have been working with some Association Leads to refresh the charter resources and have received a positive reaction from the Home Office and the government about the charter. We are working to gain additional resources to roll out the charter and support local take-up which matches the governments focus on addressing ASB and harassment in communities.
New Safeguarding Policy We have revised and updated our Safeguarding Policy to reflect the multi-faceted nature of Neighbourhood Watch. It also incorporates our work with young people both nationally and locally. I have attached the Board approved policy and will be arranging an online session for Association Leads who want or need support or who have questions about the policy. As with all safeguarding policies it lays out our roles, responsibilities, actions to take, guidance and information.
Session with Police and Crime Commissioners We are undertaking a session with Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to highlight the role Neighbourhood Watch can and does have within police force areas. Nationally, we will be highlighting the work and impact of Neighbourhood Watch with local examples. The aim is to increase or initiate PCC funding to local Associations and highlight the work to support ‘Clear, Hold, Build’ to improve the response to serious and organised crime at local levels. We will also examine the role the PCC can have in revitalising Neighbourhood Watch in areas without an Association and how PCCs have funded staff to focus on areas of high crime/deprivation in specific areas. We are looking forward to sharing local successes and the support of PCCs.
2026-2030 Strategy Development Strategy development work is underway, and we will soon send out a survey to all members, supporters, and non-members. It will be circulated through Alert and on social media to gain an insight into the thoughts, views, and aspirations of the membership. As previously mentioned, this data will be collated and used to devise workshops with Association Leads, stakeholders etc. If you have time, please do complete the survey as your feedback is always greatly appreciated.
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