I have been asked by Sth Ruislip police to advise you of the following series of Attempted burglaries. All took place on Tuesday 4th March round about 21:45 - 22:15 and possibly linked. It would be appreciated if anyone with CCTV etc in the 3 areas, check and see if they have captured any of these events. Or did anyone hear or witness anything. Crime Ref 01/7229616/25 Jubilee Drive - Even number side between 60 - 70 at approx 21:50 - 21:55 Attempted access via the rear Patio doors - Resident disturbed by shouting at them. Crime Ref 01/7229698/25 Manningtree Road - Even number side between 40 - 60 again approx 22:00 Attempted access through the front door, upon seeing the resident they made off - possibly 4-5 males made off in a dark coloured Vauxhall towards Victoria Road. Crime Ref 01/7229877/25 You can report any information by calling 101 or CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 or HNW on hillingdonnhw@gmail.com and we will pass any information on. | ||||
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