Neighbourhood Watch
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POLICE UPDATE - Theft of CCTV cameras and video doorbells

The police have asked Hillingdon Neighbourhood Watch to circulate the following update on current crime trends on our Borough.


Officers have received reports of CCTV cameras and video doorbells being stolen from residential properties.

The police ask residents to please make sure that your property is secure.  If a video doorbell is stolen, for example, you can work with your neighbours to see whether the perpetrator has been captured on any cameras nearby before or after the event.  The direction of travel of the perpetrator can itself be of great relevance, even if their face is hidden.

Please report ALL crime - 999 in an emergency, otherwise 101, online or via the POLICE.UK app (Android, Apple) - knowing exactly what crimes are happening, and where, is the only way that the police can manage and prioritise crime on our Borough to achieve the best results with the available resources.

Please stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police.

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Message Sent By
Dave Ludlow
(NWN, MSA, London, Hillingdon)

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