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Sheep Theft - Rural Crime.


Over the last couple of weeks, there has been reports of Shepp theft.


156 Sheep stolen out of a field from an area off the A361 south of Daventry.  It's believed that these sheep were taken overnight between February 19th to 20th.  To remove this quantity of sheep, if done at once, would require a large lorry, a lot of organising and knowledge too.  these were 9 month old TEXEL lambs.


28th February - 1st March , in the area of Twywell, One sheep was Beheaded in the field, Butchered for its main carcass and the remains left in the field.  The farmer believes this may be linked to a Ritual rather than random attack on his flock.  With only one Ewe having been targeted and in the manner that it has been killed.  This Ewe was under medication and should it be consumed could make the consumer slightly poorly.  It highlights the importance of purchasing your meat from a reputable Butcher, Farm Shop, Supplier or High Street store to ensure the meat is fit for human consumption.  


With Lambing well under way, its important for all Dog owners to ensure that when out walking, as a minimum, Dogs should be on Leads anywhere near to Livestock.  Routes through fields should be avoided to prevent any incidents occurring.  A farmer, should they witness their livestock being worried by a Dog, can Lawfully Shoot the Dog.  Please don't be the owner to return from a walk with just a lead.  !!


any information regarding the two incidents above, any illegal activity or information regarding any Rural Crime can be reported to us by either online reporting    Report a rural crime | Northamptonshire Police , calling 101 or via Crimestoppers. 0800 555 111.


The tiniest bit of information could be the final piece of the jigsaw we need. 


keep em peeled,






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Message Sent By
Hutch Hutchings
(Northamptonshire Police, Police Officer, NR Rural Crime Team)

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