The Police
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Fail to Stop RTC

12250036015 -fail to stop RTC – west park Harrogate – HG1 1BL 


Police are investigating a report of a report of theft of a fail to stop RTC in the car park at the rear of Specialized Concept Store, West Park, Harrogate HG1 1BL approx. 1425hrs 25/02/25 involving a Green Range Rover and a Silver Mercedes.  The Mercedes was parked unattended at the time and was allegedly hit by the Range Rover and a male driver , which did not stop or leave details.

CCTV is currently being looked for at this time to identify the driver of the Range Rover.

Do you have any information which would assist North Yorkshire Police in finding the person responsible and help keep your community safe?

Did you or anyone living with you , hear or see anything around the above time and location and date?

Do you have any CCTV/Mobile phone footage capturing the offence, or anything happening before or after?


If you can assist, please contact Pc 371 at joanne.fawcett@northyorkshire.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Richard Tempest
(Police, PCSO, Initial Enquiry Team, Fulford Road Police Station)

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