The Police
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Crime Prevention Stand at Morrisons Ascot Rd, Watford : Mon 10 Mar 10:00

Dear Herts Connected Member,

 Watford Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding a Crime Prevention Event as detailed below.


We are keen to hear about any concerns you have regarding Anti Social Behaviour, crime or any other issues affecting you or our local community. Additionally, we are also offering free mobile security marking at our stand.

Crime Prevention Stand at Morrisons 

Ascot Rd, Watford WD18 8AA

10:00 -11:30


For online crime prevention advice visit Crime prevention advice | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)



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Message Sent By
Sadqain Butt
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, Watford - Holywell ward)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials