The Police
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Police Community Walk

Police Community Walk


I would like to invite you to participate in a community walk. The meeting place for this walk will be at the top of Sable Close. This walk will take approximately 60 minutes depending on numbers. 


Dates and Times:

Tuesday 25th March 2025 at 14:00hrs

Tuesday 15th April 2025 at 14:00hrs

Monday 19th May 2025 at 14:00hrs

Monday 16th June 2025 at 14:00hrs


This walk is a great opportunity meet the people in your community and make new friendships, getting outside and keeping active. As well as a meeting the officer who covers your area allowing you to discuss issues impacting you and your community. 


Want to keep updated on this and future walks? Want to know what is happening in your area and to protect yourself from it? Then sign up to www.mycommunityalert.co.uk to keep up to date.

I hope to see you there! – Remember to dress for the weather and have adequate footwear.

PCSO Gregory


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Message Sent By
Ash Gregory
(Police, PCSO, Hull West NPT)

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