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Vehicle Nuisance / Anti-Social Behaviour - Cubbington

Dear Resident

We've received several reports of late regarding unknown persons riding off-road scrambler style motorbikes in an anti-social manner in the Cubbington area. Incidents have occurred in the vicinity of Blackberry Way and on Rugby Road near to the junction with Coventry Road. The latest incident occurred on Rugby Road during yesterday afternoon (Saturday 08-MAR-2025).
The motorbikes are not displaying registration plates, which would lead us to believe they're not road legal?! On a positive note, the riders are wearing helmets instead of balaclavas, as has been known elsewhere.
We would like to speak with the individuals involved to prevent a serious road traffic collision and also to reduce the impact their behaviour is having on the local community.
As well as Cubbington, the same bikes and riders are believed to have been sighted in Kenilworth yesterday. 
Please report anti-social behaviour to Warwickshire Police by calling 101 or by visiting https://www.warwickshire.police.uk and selecting the report tab. Alternatively you can provide information anonymously to CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 / https://crimestoppers-uk.org/ Always dial 999 in an emergency.
Click Here for more information about vehicle nuisance and what you can do to help us keep your community safe from harm.


Warwick Rural East Safer Neighbourhood Team

Email: wre.snt@warwickshire.police.uk

Facebook: @kenilworthandwarwickruralpolice

Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk 

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Message Sent By
Ed King
(Warwickshire Police, PCSO, Warwick Rural East SNT)

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