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Shed break in

There has been a report of a garden shed being broken into on West Street

Several power tools have been taken


The incident took place between 12:00 on 07/03/25 and 11:20 on 08/03/25


Did you see anything suspicious in the area?

If you have any information including any suspicious activity on CCTV/Dashcam etc, please contact our force control room on 101 and quote 25000135660


Crime Prevention Advice


Outside the property:

Make thieves feel exposed when they approach the front of your property by using low hedges or low fencing. Keep any gates shut when you're out.

Use garden lighting to deter trespassers. If the property is well overlooked, choose lights which come on automatically at dusk and stay on all night until dawn. Low wattage bulbs can cost less than l pence per night in electricity.

You can reinforce your boundary by using prickly plants. Use of natural plants is exempt from the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 - because it is natural.

Don't leave tools and ladders lying around for burglars to use. Remember to keep the shed as secure as possible. Thieves often search for tools nearby to break into properties.

Where possible, keep bins chained up away from the main house and out of sight. Criminals often use them as climbing aids or ways to transport stolen property.

Thieves often look for subtle changes in the environment. Open gates, empty driveway, letters left in the mailbox are all invitations to a criminal.


Inside the property:

Keep all doors and windows locked - even if you are in the house. If you leave a room, close and lock the doors and windows.

If you have an alarm, use it! Most alarm systems can be 'zoned', which means parts of the house can be active at night time.

Always remove the keys from locks to stop someone breaking a small pane of glass and entering using the key. Keep keys out of sight and in a safe place.

Leave lights on in multiple rooms. Automatic timers can switch on lights and radios. Remember that in the winter it can get dark in the early afternoon.

Make items traceable. Mark your property with your postcode using a UV pen or consider specialist liquid forensic coded solutions.


Your Vehicle: 

Always keep your car locked and close the windows - even if you are only leaving the vehicle for a few moments.


Always remove all items from your vehicle when parked - even an old coat may be enough to tempt a thief.


Ensure when removing your sat nav, that the cradle and suction pad are also removed and any suction marks are wiped away.


Never leave keys in the ignition, not even at a garage when paying for petrol.


Following the above measures will make you a less attractive target for thieves.


For more crime prevention advice visit www.northants.police.uk



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Message Sent By
Kev Lumbis
(Northamptonshire Police, PCSO, ND2 Daventry Rural North)

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