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Neighbourhood Round Up

Hello Resident


  Here’s a quick round up from the Kingstanding neighbourhood policing team.


 What’s been happening.


  • Officers have given an input on safety and shown them various equipment such as the pro laser speed detection device to children at New Heights on the warren farm road.

  • We have been to Witton Lakes Eco Hub to join local families at the teddy bears picnic 

  • Officers have been conducting proactive foot cycle and transport network patrols throughout Kingstanding to disrupt criminality and ASB.

  • We have seized Three vehicles for no tax on Witton Lodge Road, Finchley Road, and Black Rock Road.

  • Officers have recovered a stolen vehicle on the Ridgway.


  • We have attended the bi monthly H.I.B meeting with partner agency’s (police, council, severn trent water, housing etc)  to discuss and action issues in the community such as crime vandalism asb council issues and water issues among other topics. 


  • Officers have arrested a female for high risk domestic violence.




     “Cuppa with a Copper”

    Will be held on Saturday 5th April 10:30am at the ECO hub Witton Lakes so please pop in and have a chat with your local officers and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.



    “Community speed watch”

     We would like to create more groups so we are still inviting Members of the public to join our community speed watch, if you are interested in keeping your roads safe and and to reduce Road Harm and speed related road traffic collisions then please contact us for more information.



    We are looking for volunteers to form street watch groups in KINGSTANDING,

    If you are interested in forming or becoming a member of street watch then please contact us for more details. 



    We will be out in the mobile police station on the 15th March at kingstanding circle and 16th March at Warren Farm Road at the Junction of Hawthorne Road We will be offering crime prevention advice, we will also be giving out panic alarms window alarms and vehicle protection.  







    Register your CCTV and doorbell cameras with us today to receive alerts when your footage may help us catch criminals operating in your area.

    NO personal information will be publicly available. It takes just 60 seconds to add your details to our secure police system and within minutes, you could be helping us solve serious crimes. You’ll just add your name, address, email and the number of cameras you control.

    There’s still time for you to securely register your CCTV or doorbell cameras before the new year at: CCTV Registry | West Midlands Police








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    (POLICE, PCSO, BEDB Kingstanding Neighbourhood team)

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