The Police
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Motorbike stolen from Millisoms Road, Shirley.

Monday 10th March 2025


Dear resident,


A car theft has been reported in your neighbourhood.

If you saw or heard anything or have any information about the below incident please call our non emergency number 101, quoting the reference number provided.

Alternatively you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.


Reference: 20/169114/25​.
Location: Millisoms Road, Shirley.
Date and time: At 15:00pm on Saturday 8th March 2025.
Details: Two males have stolen a black Kawasaki Ninja 650 motorbike from the driveway.

Officers from your local neighbourhood Policing Team will be conducting high visibility patrols in the area in a bid to prevent further offences and try to catch offenders.

Use a lock, chain and cover: Use a disc lock to help secure the front brake disc or a grip lock to secure the brake and throttle controls. You can also use a D lock on the front wheel to stop the motorbike being wheeled away. Use a chain lock through the back wheel, and secure this to an immovable object such as a ground anchor or street furniture. Motorbike thieves will often ‘shop’ for particular bike models. Using a bike cover will make your bike instantly less attractive to them, as well as adding another time consuming obstacle for the thief to overcome. Good quality CCTV equipment covering your driveway is also a deterrent and can give officers valuable footage to assist with apprehending thieves.


Visit our website for crime prevention advice www.west-midlands.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Daniel Talbot
(Police, Police Community Support Officer, Shirley Neighbourhood Team)

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