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Join Street Watch TODAY!

Dear Resident

We are looking to expand our Street Watch schemes across the Walsall Borough and recruit new members for the eleven schemes that are currently active.

StreetWatch is a community-led project. It’s made up of groups of volunteers who are at least 18 years old.

The groups go out and patrol their area. The patrols help to stop crime and anti-social behaviour. They also help people in the area get to know each other.

As a Street Watch member, you'll patrol your local area alongside one of your neighbours for at least two hours every month, at times which suit you.

You'll talk to people you meet and encourage them to take an active interest in keeping your area safe. So your neighbours know what you're there for, you wear a high-visibility Street Watch jacket.

You'll be supported by, the local Street Watch coordinator and your local policing team.

Become part of Street Watch

If you’d like to be involved in StreetWatch, you can sign in to your WMnow account, click the StreetWatch button, and request to join a group. You can also email us at: Streetwatch@westmidlands.police.uk

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Message Sent By
Andrew Ryan
(West Midlands Police, Engagement & Consultation Officer, WS & West Midlands)

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