A lot us carry a bank card with us nearly every day. Despite being just a small bit of plastic and a microchip it allows access to your hard earned money which is why it's important to protect it, especially your PIN. Remember:
💳 Never share your PIN with anyone - the only time you should use your PIN is at a cash machine or in a shop or on a trusted device to make a purchase.
💳 If going to an event, such as a carboot, market, withdraw cash prior to it and use that.
💳 Ensure that you are the only person that knows your PIN.
💳 Know that not even your bank know your PIN and they will never ask you to authorise anything by entering your PIN into the telephone.
💳 Be aware of who is around you when you are paying with your card at the till and always try and cover your card when entering your PIN.
💳 Never write your PIN on the back of your card or keep a written copy of your PIN in your purse or wallet.
💳 Consider putting your bank cards into a RDIF sleeve so criminal can't use contactless devices to steal your money.
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