The Police
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Cannabis farms in local communities.

🔌❌ It’s not just a bit of cannabis. It’s linked to sexual exploitation, kidnap, serious violence, firearms, money laundering and illegal immigration, the serious criminality that cannabis farms often mask. 


Would you want to live next door to that? 😳 


Criminals do not care about the impact of their behaviour on communities – sometimes in densely populated residential areas.


Some of the key signs are:

▪ A powerful distinctive sweet, sickly aroma

▪ Blacked out windows, and vents sealed or blocked to prevent the heat and smell of cannabis from inside the property escaping

▪ Bright lights throughout the night

▪ High levels of condensation on windows

▪ Noise from fans

▪️ Visitors at unusual hours; only staying for a short period of time.  

▪ Large amounts of rubbish, including compost bags

▪️Blocked letterbox

▪️Signs of property not being lived in - bins not being put out & garden not maintained. 


Be vigilant & report any suspicious activity. If something doesn’t feel right, report it. You can report online via the GMP website www.gmp.police.uk or call 101. You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 


🔗 https://crimestoppers-uk.org/keeping-safe/community-family/cannabis-cultivation



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