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Criminal damage incident

Police are investigating an incident of criminal damage to motor vehicle ,a Citroen C3 was parked in the disabled bays of Tesco supermarket ,Northallerton when it was “keyed” on both sides of the car by unknown person(s)   the incident occurred between 1000hours and 1130hours on the 5th March  25 .  


Do you have any information which would assist North Yorkshire Police in finding those responsible and help keep your community safe?


Did you or anyone who you live with, hear or see anything around the above time and date?

Do you have any CCTV/Mobile phone footage capturing the offence, or anything happening on the street before or after?



If you can assist, please contact PC1604 at Stephen.mangham@northyorkshire.police.uk Log 12250040426


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Message Sent By
Stephen Mangham
(North Yorkshire Police, Police Constable, Scarborough)

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