Good Evening Resident , Welcome to the third edition of our newsletter, highlighting the work being done by Neighbourhood Officers to address speeding issues in Letchworth and Baldock. 20mph Zones in Baldock Hertfordshire County Council is considering introducing 20mph speed limits in Baldock. They are currently conducting a survey to gather residents' opinions. The more responses they receive, the higher the chance of this proposal being implemented. I’ve completed the survey myself, and it only takes 5-10 minutes to fill out. It asks for both for and against views. Although residents of Letchworth will also receive this information, I believe this could impact roads you use regularly. Please take a moment to complete the survey: Proposed 20mph Zone Baldock | Hertfordshire County Council. (The survey closes in 7 days on 17th March 2025). Traffic Calming Measures Traffic calming measures are being proposed for Weston Way, High Street, and South Road in Baldock, as part of Hertfordshire County Council's Speed Management Strategy. The full strategy is available online for those interested. Priority Roads for Speed Enforcement As part of our Priority Safety Forum, two roads have been identified by residents for speed enforcement: Green Lane in Letchworth and Letchworth Road in Baldock. Officers have conducted laser gun enforcement and Speed Indication Device (SID) surveys at these locations. While Police Constables can issue speed fines, PCSOs are unable to do so. To address this, I’ve created an educational letter for drivers exceeding the speed limit, which PCSOs can hand-deliver to offenders identified through laser gun readings or SID signs. This approach is proving effective in educating drivers about the impact of speeding on local communities, particularly when enforcement action is not possible. School Visit I’d like to thank the staff and students of Knights Templar School Sixth Form for inviting me to speak with Year 13 students before Christmas. The presentation covered the “Fatal 5” – the five leading causes of road traffic collisions: mobile phone use, not wearing seatbelts, speeding, drink/drug driving, and careless/dangerous driving. Research shows that 98% of road crashes are caused by human error, and 2% by mechanical failure. It was great to see the students engaged in the topic, especially as many will soon be learning to drive or riding with inexperienced drivers. Appreciation for Residents Finally, I’d like to thank all the residents who have taken the time to thank PCs and PCSOs while they’ve been carrying out speed checks in the area. Conducting these checks in winter’s cold temperatures isn’t always pleasant, so these small acts of kindness are greatly appreciated by the officers. Until next time, remember: Drive to Arrive. Thanks, PC Durham |