The Police
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Crime Prevention


We have seen a drop in domestic Burglary which saw a recent spike in the Stretford area. This could be down to the arrests recently made. However please still follow the below steps which will assist in preventing further incidents. 

As we all turn our attention to our outdoor spaces with the nice weather we are experiencing. Please take a look at what security measures you can do. Fixing broken fence panels or gates for starters. Check those external security lights are in working order. Close windows and don't leave any open near to places that are easily accessed such as above garages. 

Of note regards family gold. Below are some advice regards this. 


Family gold is usually high purity, high-value gold jewellery – often bought as wedding gifts in Asian communities and passed down through generations, holding significant sentimental value.

 Police advice

To help keep your property safe and home secure, follow these steps:

  • Remove the jewellery from your house altogether, so if you are a victim your valuable items won’t be stolen.
  • Owners should keep all jewellery and other valuables in a bank safe/ safety deposit box – speak to your bank to find out what’s available.
  • Use a door bell camera, internal camera and/or a monitored burglar alarm.
  • Ensure doors are double locked at all times. Keep windows closed and locked.
  • Install ‘dusk to dawn’ external lighting.
  • Use timer switches in your home to control internal lights, radios and a simulated TV.
  • Keep keys and valuables secure and out of sight.
  • Ensure boundary fences are secure with side gates locked.
  • Take photos and keep a list of all valuable property in a safe place, including make, model description and value.
  • Forensically mark items of value, as a hi-tech way of linking your property to your address, options available are – Selecta DNA / Smartwater. Always take specialist advice before marking expensive or irreplaceable items.


Stay cautious and keep your valuables safe 




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Message Sent By
Marc Foster
(Police, Sgt, Team 1 North Area Neighbourhood team)

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