Hartford and Greenbank Parish Council Notes 05/02/25 – 28/02/25 PCSO Donnelly Report 24032
If you have any questions, please email simon.donnelly@cheshire.police.uk
Anti-Social Behaviour Reports of a Male shouting and swearing in a play area response have attended the area and male has been left the area. Patrols have been at the Hartford Picnic area engaging with drivers due to the current state of the layby off the A556 and working with CWAC to look at improving the area. Suspicious Person/Vehicle Nothing has been taken, and no individuals have been picked up on camera. Theft Theft from the local Sainsburys in which three males took large quantities of medical and beauty supplies enquires are ongoing at this time. Theft from Sainsburys in which two males have taken around £150 worth of medical supplies CCTV is bieng looked at to try and ID the two individuals. Theft of mainly medical supplies from the CO-OP worth around £500. Parking Concerns
Several drivers have been spoken too and given advisory tickets with parking opposite the junction on Abbey way and Chantry Avenue. One Vehicle was issued with an advisory ticket on Abbey Lane.
Parking Concerns on Hazelmere Close and Carriage Drive. Patrols will continue around school pick up and drop off times One vehicle was issued with a verbal advisory due to the driver still bieng in attendance. Advisory tickets have also been given to vehicles on Hodge Lane, Beech Road, Firdale Road.
Burglary No Reports of Burglary in the Hartford and Greenbank Area
Vehicle/Bicycle Theft No Reports of Vehicle or Burglary thefts in the Hartford and Greenbank Area
Criminal Damage No Reports of Criminal Damage for the past month. Speed enforcement in Hartford. 08/02/25 Speed enforcement on Chester Road 8 offences Captured 10/02/25 Speed enforcement on School Lane 3 Offences Captured 25/02/25 Speed Enforcement on Hodge Lane 1 Offence Captured Community Speed Watch Hodge Lanes community Speed Watch group has had some Training as the scheme has come under Cheshire police from CWAC. School Visits
Police Surgery’s for Hartford/Greenbank
Wednesday 19/03/2025 at 14:00pm Hartford Village Hall to discuss any issues. Wednesday the 12/03/2025 at 10:00am Greenbank Community Hub to discuss any issues.
Additional action that has been taken in Hartford throughout the month.
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