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What is what3words?


what3words has divided the globe into 3m squares and given each one a unique 3 word address. It means everywhere can be located with just three words.


For example ///kite.chats.dine will take you to a precise spot in a field next to the River Ouse in York. 


what3words is available as a free app for iOS and Android and online map at map.what3words.com.


How do I use what3words in an emergency?


  • Find the 3 word address for your current location on the free what3words app for iOS and Android. It works offline – ideal for areas with unreliable data connection.


  • Share your 3 word address over the phone to the call handler.


  • The emergency service can then coordinate a response directly to the exact location where help is needed.

  • To find out more visit: Which Emergency Services accept what3words for 999 and non-emergency calls | what3words

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    Message Sent By
    Ross Walker
    (Police Scotland, PC - Community police officer, J Div - West Lothian)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials