Neges Ddwyieithog / Bilingual Message. Dros y diwrnodau diwethaf, rydym wedi cael adroddiadau am bobl yn cael eu targedu gan dwyllwyr sy'n honni eu bod o fanc y dioddefwr, o'r heddlu, neu o sefydliad swyddogol arall. Fel rhan o'r sgamiau hyn, mae troseddwyr yn ceisio perswadio pobl i godi arian o'u banc, gan ddweud o bosibl fod y cyfrif wedi bod yn destun twyll. Wedyn, bydd y twyllwr yn trefnu i gludwr gasglu arian parod, cardiau banc, neu'r ddau, o gartref y dioddefwr. Mae'r twyllwyr sy'n cyflawni'r sgamiau hyn yn argyhoeddiadol iawn yn aml, ac yn adrodd straeon a all swnio'n gredadwy. Weithiau, byddant yn dweud eu bod yn cynnal ymchwiliad cudd ac na ddylech sôn wrth unrhyw un arall am yr alwad. Mae'n bosibl hefyd y byddant yn dweud bod eich cyfrif mewn perygl os na fyddwch yn gweithredu'n gyflym. Os byddant yn llwyddo i'ch argyhoeddi, byddant yn eich cyfarwyddo i wneud rhywbeth sy'n golygu eich bod yn rhoi eich arian iddynt. Er enghraifft, efallai y byddant yn gofyn i chi godi arian (neu arian tramor) er mwyn i'r cludwr ei gasglu fel tystiolaeth. Gallant hefyd ofyn am fanylion, fel eich PIN, dros y ffôn cyn i gludwr gasglu eich cardiau credyd neu gardiau banc.
Ein cyngor:
In recent days, we’ve had reports of people being targeted by fraudsters pretending to be from their would-be victim’s bank, from the police, or from another official organisation. The scams see criminals attempting to persuade people to withdraw money from their bank, perhaps saying there has been fraud on the account. The fraudster then arranges for a courier to collect cash, bank cards, or both, from the victim’s home. Fraudsters who carry out these scams are often very convincing and give what might appear to be plausible cover stories. Sometimes, they may say that they are carrying out an undercover investigation, and that you shouldn’t let anyone else know about their call. They may also say that your account is at risk if you don’t act fast. If they manage to convince you, they instruct you to do something which means you’re handing them your money. For instance, they may ask you to withdraw money (or foreign currency) for the courier to collect for evidence. They might also ask for details such as your PIN over the phone before a courier collects your credit or bank cards.
Our advice:
The police will not contact you out of the blue and ask you to participate in an investigation that requires you to withdraw money from your bank, or to purchase high value goods, such as jewellery or gold
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