The Police
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Yesterday (11/03/25), I attended Places of Welcome at St Martin’s Church, Ellerbeck.


A number of local issues were discussed: Nuisance motorbikes, parking and drugs.


Nuisance motorbikes have declined in their frequency (possibly due to a number of vehicle seizures, warning and fines issued) but still very much remain a problem. Catching them in the act is the ideal scenario but is no easy feat so we rely on information from the public as to which addresses they are coming from/going to. Where I have taken action against individuals, I try to keep the public updated. This practice is not adopted by all of my colleagues but rest assured, they are out there tackling this problem.


Parking, particularly around our schools, is an ever present problem throughout Tamworth. Sadly, the onus for parking largely sits with the county council in regards to restrictions. Where there are driveways etc being obstructed then this falls within our remit and we will tackle this where we can. In regards to the schools, unfortunately we cannot always guarantee we will be free at those specific times.


Drugs is another issue that seems ever present throughout Tamworth as a whole. We are arresting people for drugs related offences on a near daily basis and have specific teams tackling the wider issues in regards to supply such as those involved in county lines. Information from the public is key in tackling this issue as we alone cannot have eyes and ears everywhere at all times. To quote the great Sir Robert Peel “The Police are the public & the public are the Police”


You can pass information in regards to the above issues to us by calling 101 or via our online form or Live Chat at www.staffordshire.police.uk

Alternatively, you can do so anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or www.crimestoppers-uk.org

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Message Sent By
John Horton
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Tamworth)

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