The Police
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No Entry signage - Park Drive, Horsforth

Following recent complaints from local residents, a Horsforth NPT Officer has been stopping vehicles that have contravened the No Entry sign on Park Drive in Horsforth.


12 drivers will receive points and a fine, or (if applicable) a driver retraining course.

1 driver was found to be disqualified from driving and driving without insurance. His vehicle was seized and he will need to take a trip to court.


Common excuses we've heard so far have included:

"Sorry I didn't see it"

"I've always gone this way"

"My sat nav said I could"

"I am late"


There is no excuse for driving through no-entry signage.


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Message Sent By
Dan Pickles
(West Yorkshire Police, Neighbourhood Support Officer, Leeds District - Leeds North West NPT)

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