The Police
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Thank you !!! 12/3/25

Morning all. I hope I find you well. I just wanted to say a big thanks very much to the locals who assisted with the elderly gentleman last week who had fallen and bumped his head at School Terrace, North Cornelly. 


Whilst on routine patrol of the area, I was flagged down by several members of the public in relation to this incident. Several were already providing immediate first aid, one lady was on the phone to Ambulance, whilst another gentleman made his way to the home of the casualty, to notify his wife. As I was single crewed, the same group of locals then assisted me in applying some protection and dressing to the head injury, whilst also helping to raise the gentleman to his feet. Something he was very keen and adamant to do!


His wife then arrived at the scene and both were conveyed to hospital, by a very kind neighbour. On speaking to the gentleman's wife since, aside from a brief stay on the ward, he is recovering well from his fall.


I love the fact that so many people stopped to help. In an age where people are quick to either not get involved, or perhaps would rather record for social media instead, it was refreshing to see so many locals get stuck in with helping myself and the injured gentleman. Once again, thank you very much for your kind assistance. If you are aware of the individuals involved who may not see this message, please pass on my utmost respect and appreciation. Thank you, take care. Rich.

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Message Sent By
Richard Couch
(South Wales Police, PCSO, Pyle NPT T1)

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