Neighbourhood Watch
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Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association

Hi Doncio,

Thank-you for interest in Neighbourhood Watch and for your willingness to start a local scheme. I am pleased to confirm that your scheme has been approved. I would be happy to send you copies of our Wiltshire NHW information leaflets and window stickers to share with your neighbours. An approx number is fine. Our Association has a website www.wiltshirenhw.org and the national Network site is very comprehensive www.ourwatch.org.uk

The Wiltshire Police site is also worth a look www.wiltshirepolice.uk where on the homepage you will find a link to ‘What’s happening in your area?' Our Association maintains a good relationship with Wiltshire Police.

I usually call new scheme co-ordinators to have a chat about running a scheme and the support available. What is a good day/time to call you.


Paul Sunners

Chair Wiltshire NHW Association   

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Message Sent By
Paul Sunners
(NWN, Chair, Wiltshire, Wiltshire)

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