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Foot Patrols in Pershore Town

Foot Patrols in Pershore Town


Over the last few days we have been out patrolling on foot in Pershore.  Yesterday whilst in ABBEY PARK we were made aware of a group of youths wearing balaclavas and the effect this was having on other people enjoying the park.


We caught up with these youths and spoke to them about how the balaclavas could make some people feel intimidated, especially the elderly and children.  The youths were very engaging with us and listened to what we had to say and we explained how it might appear to some people.  We are not in any way telling people how to dress, but to see that this kind of attire would cause some alarm to the community.  We have a good relationship with these youths and would hope they will take what we have said on board.


If you happen to see anyone acting suspiciously please report it to us as soon as possible on 101 or 999 if you think a crime is being committed at the time.




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Message Sent By
Rebekah Ashley
(Police, PCSO, Pershore CPTC)

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