The Police
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Burglary to Business premises - Classified Road C5 North From A507 to Redhill Road

Dear Resident


Between 00:01 on 05/03/2025 and 06:00 on 11/03/2025 a burglary took place at a business on a classified road C5 North From A507 to Redhill Road.

Offenders have angle grinded off the lock on a fence and a lock on a container and stolen a £12k shed inside.

If you have any information relating to this crime you can click the reply button at the bottom of the email, or by contacting the police on the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime number 41/22940/25. 


Alternatively, you can give information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Please be vigilant and do report any suspicious activity or behaviour in the area.


Tips to prevent burglary:

  • Check windows and doors are secured before leaving the premises  

  • Ensure burglar alarms are set correctly when premises are closed.

  • Consider using CCTV cameras or a monitored burglar alarm. 

  • Don’t leave valuables in visible places.

  • Keep equipment locked away, that could be used to break into your premises.

  • If you need to report a crime please call 101 or go online here.


    For more detailed advice, including a printable Home Security Self-Assessment, please visit the “Protect Your Home” section of our website: www.herts.police.uk/ProtectYourHome

    Please click here to complete the survey


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    Message Sent By
    Nigel Haggar
    (Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, North Herts - Royston)

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