Dear Resident
Between 0100hrs and 0830hrs on the 12/03/2025 a theft of a vehicle occurred in Pettys Close.
The offenders gained entry to the house and stole the keys to his vehicle a black Mercedes GLE 400AMG.
If you have any information relating to this crime you can click the reply button at the bottom of the email, or by contacting the police on the non-emergency number 101, quoting crime number 41/23549/25.
Alternatively, you can give information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Tips to prevent vehicle crime: Store car ownership documents at home, not in your car.
Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activities in the area. If you need to report a crime please call 101 or go online here.
For more detailed vehicle crime prevention information, visit the “Protect Your Property” section of our website: www.herts.police.uk/protectyourproperty | ||||
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